Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hipokrit Kelas Pertama

Let's judge the book by its
Kenapa ramai di antara kita terlalu mudah untuk melabelkan seseorang di kalangan kita mengikut apa yang kita rasa sesuai dan tidak sesuai...?
Assume that I stupid...and that I don't know but tell me one we know everything that we need to know about someone that it is easy to throw judgement upon that person?
Dan bab menjaga hati...hari ini aku mendapat satu sms..."Penting ke hati si ........tu"?
Again....kenapa perlu kita jaga hati semua orang bila kita tak mampu nak jaga hati sendiri? Mana lebih penting...? Jaga hati sendiri atau jaga hati semua orang?...Dan bukankah hati semua orang perlu dijaga sama penting sebagaimana kita menjaga hati kita sendiri? Dan bukankah bila kita dapat menjaga kepentingan hati kita, barulah kita dapat memahami hati orang lain? Bila kita mempersoalkan penting atau tidaknya hati seseorang itu...bukankah itu bermakna kita memang tidak memperdulikan apa yang seseorang itu sedang lalui atau rasai? If you won't have the heart to ask about the other's!
Siapa kita untuk menentukan sama ada kita layak untuk menjadi juri atau hakim? Why not we judge ourselves and how we jugde people around us than being jugdemental...
Lord...sometimes I feel as if I live in a world full of first class hypocrite...Just because you are doing things differently or think you are different from the rest...isn't it about..."aren't you happy with how things are being done in your life? Isn't it about "are you happy with you life?"
Let me ponder upon this idea...uummh...people do judge the book by its cover...and most of us will always have the difficulty of accepting differences...I do..and I am sorry for myself for not being able to stop myself.
But then all comes back to choices...we choose and we live by our choices...we stick to what we have choosen...
I choose my league..I choose my friends...I choose how to lead my life...
confusion is consuming me....

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