Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Siapa Boss?

Semalam aku kena serbu!!

Boss No 1 naik perpustakaan sebab dia dapat information si Sharifah asyik bawa budak ke library! Bila dia datang melawat dah masuk waktu ketiga dan 41 pelajar dah mula membanjiri library.

Sebenarnya aku sedang cuba melihat Boss No 1 aku dalam "positive light" sebab aku selalu berada dalam defensive mode bila dengan dia walaupun aku terkenal manusia paling cool dalam sekolah. Apa yang berlaku seterusnya ialah aku dipanah lembing dengan soalan mautnya..

"Why must you take the student to the library, I don't think it is wise when the student are here and reading story books because they can always do that at home or at their free time...?"

"Library should be a classroom because then there will be no P & P happening.." dia tambah lagi..

Waaarghhh....tolong aku...!!!

Aku pun ambil buku rekod yang hari ni baru cadang nak dibalut...hehehhe...aku tunjukkan time table aku yang berseghedak...apasal aku punya kelas tahun ni gila betul...jangan tanya!!

"Pn Lee, this is my time table, let us look at one class because the schedule is just the same for the rest...Let us look at 2 Daisy, Monday is text book we will look into the text book, like what had happened yesterday, the students learnt about "Good Times Together" and they have to answer a question about "the most significant event in my life"...they have to think , write and reflect on how the event touch, change and what are the feeling evoked in them, they need to write a sentence or a paragraph about it."

But..most students wrote a whole long passage about it!

"And Pn Lee, Tuesday is the Library day because I want them to learn how to use the library, how to choose book and how to learn independently. Not only that, the need a platform to start because some of these had never had the chance to be in a library..."

Boss No 1 aku membebel lagi....urghh..memang aku naik tembok China aku!!

" But Sharifah, these student are not doing anything unless you give them assignment before coming here, so are they doing anything and do they knew that they have to come here beforehand?"

Meraban lagi aku...huwaaahh...

"You are right Pn Lee, but this is the first time for this year they are here, I just need them to get use of the library first, so today they are learning how to choose book and do NILAM then later the year, if, I am still around, they will come here to do research like last year's students.."

Aku sambung lagi sebelum sempat dia mematahkan semangat aku yang dah mula urgh...

"On Wednesday, the class have Literature lesson so we will do all the activities related to literature. And on Friday, that is a double-lesson so we will do essay or we will go to the computer lab to do blogging where the have to write or comment on certain issue that I will discuss with them"..

Kemudian dengan skepticalnya dia bertanya...

"Are you able to finish your syllabus and I don't this to happen the whole year?..."

Dalam hati aku..."huh?"

"Pn Lee, of course I am able to finish my syllabus, I am teaching but with a more relax and fun way!"

Adaka patut dia jawab...

"Learning should not be fun..."

Waaarrrrghhh...aku rasa jantung aku nak jatuh masa tu...

"What, Pn Lee? But English should be fun so that I can instill the interest from the beginning. You do know that I did not ask to go to morning session because when I was teaching in the morning session, the insterest was not there so it was difficult for me to make them like I want to stay in afternoon session because I can prepare them for next year and the morning teacher!"

Pas tu dia mencelah,

"I don't mean the lesson should not be fun but I don't want them to start gigling, touching their friend's hair or start talking with each other, like now, we are talking and they are talking too.."

Alahai Pn Lee..

"I think they need some space to make mistake, out of 40 minutes of learning at least if they can concentrate for 20 minutes, it is good enough.."

Dia patahkan dengan sinis..

"I don't want them not learning anything for 30 minutes and there is only 10 minutes to do work... okaylah Sharifah.."

Aku dengan fussshhhh..melepaskan dia pergi..

"Thank you Pn Lee, nice talking to you..hahahha..have a nice day..!"

Dia angkat tangan.."ya..ya.., okay, thank!"

Aku pun lepak dengan bebudak sampai loceng bunyi dan bila budak keluar, aku baru berangan nak masuk internet cari bahan untuk phrasal verbs, idioms dan simile...yang juga tak jadi sebab...jeng..jeng..jeng..

"Hai Kak Khairul!", aku menyapa mesra...BOSS NO 2 pulak! Penyelia petang pula...

"Ipah bawa budak naik library, janganla selalu-selalu nanti boss bunyi..."

Dalam hati aku punyalah berasap!

"Ala, dia dah naik tadi!"

Terkezut kak Khairul...

"Ipah buat apa bawa budak kat sini, jangan la selalu bawa budak ke Library...

Maka...bermulalah episod ulangan seperti mana yang telah diulang untuk pembaca...

Qaftee...camna ek??

Tadi pula Boss No 3 ~ Ketua Panitia Bahasa Inggeris pula datang bertanya..dan akhirnya aku mengajar dia bagaimana membuat internet research pasal Multiple Intelligence dan yang paling best sekali ajar dia buat blog...Nama blog dia "Chilli Pepper" Sempat gak aku ajar dia customize! Sekadar menurunkan apa yang tok aku ajar masa aku kat US dulu!

Siap link dengan blog aku! Standard la beb!


Pak Ngah: said...

:: salam... menarik kisahnya... plot tersusun cantik apabila 3 big boss datang berjumpa "boss"...

Sharifah Hassan said...

Salam... siapa boss?

itulah yang terjadi rata-rata di mana organisasi bila~

old school of thoughts versus new school of thoughts..

Pakngah rasa?

Pak Ngah: said...

:: biasa tuuu... pemikiran, pengucapan dan cara bertindak kita biasanya dipengaruhi oleh banyak angkubah... termasuk latar belakang kita, pengalaman hidup kita, pembacaan kita dan ilmu kita.

:: kesemua ini mungkin berjaya menyumbang kepada perbezaan pandangan dan persepsi terhadap sesuatu hal dan perkara...

:: mungkin benar bahawa pandangan PakNgah ni... salah...

Sharifah Hassan said...

Salam PakNgah,

Mungkin saya yang perlu bijak mengadun new thoughts dan old thoughts supaya nampak "cun"?

Nak buat camna...hati muda...telinga cepat panas!

Sedang belajar mengimbangi antara cetusan minda dan cetusan emosi...