Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Don't Rush

A very important lesson that I 've learned today is DON'T RUSH.
Take my time slowly...
Take a deep breath in!
Teringat kisah si kupu-kupu (bila kita cuba membantu si kupu-kupu keluarkan kepak dari kepompongnya) dan kisah si arnab dan kura-kura (bila kura-kura yang lambat menang pertandingan kerana arnab tertidur)
What happen to me?
I guess the more I want something (even how badly it is) I should learn to be VERY slow!
Slow in the sense that I need to take a good look around and be the last person to leave the room kinda of a thing!
I make mistakes and I am bad with number! I tend to forget things which are important.
I must learn to see the flower blooms....second by second (be meticulous laaa.....!)
If not?
When I rush....everything jadi kelam kabut dan tak tersusun dan akhirnya I panik and penat!!
So hari ni, I relax....I merayau...I lepak dengan my best friend...
Walaupun ada bertimbun kerja yang perlu diselesaikan....

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